# VOCABSIZE The size of the vocabulary (must correspond to the feature IDs in training set): VOCABSIZE 288063 # NUMTHREADS The number of threads to use: NUMTHREADS 15 # NUMITERATIONS The number of gibbs sampling passes through the corpus: NUMITERATIONS 100 # OPTIMIZEINTERVAL How frequently to optimize hyperparameters (deltas): OPTIMIZEINTERVAL 10 # branchingFactors The branching factors of the Sparse Backoff Tree, from root to leaves: branchingFactors 3 6 6 9 9 # USEEXPANSION If 1, incrementally expand the tree (see paper for details). Default is 1: USEEXPANSION 1 # EXPANSIONSCHEDULE A sequence d_i >= 0 of length len <= sbt depth. Tree will be sampled NUMITERATION times for each i, using branching factors up to & including index d_i for iteration i. Default is [0 1 2 3 ... ]: EXPANSIONSCHEDULE 1 3 4